Volume 12, Issue 1: Western United West Group Expanded
Western United West Group Expanded
WUE is very pleased to announce the expansion of the Substation and Transmission Group. While WUE has offered substation packages and trans-mission materials since 1999, the recent addition of Jennifer Gilbert and Tim Upton to our staff has dramatically increased the skill set and the capabilities for project management of rural electric coop, municipal, and contractor (wind, oil, gas, mining, industrial) jobs throughout the US. Jennifer has over 25 years’ experience (at both WUE and recently at another distributor) in quoting and managing materials for transmission and substation projects and is the new Director of the WEST group. Tim also has over 20 years’ experience as a substation mechanic and project manager working for a construction contractor and most recently at another distributor performing substation quotations and project management. The WUE WEST GROUP is capable of the following:
Project Management of the comprehensive quotation process including the required engineering information and alternate products, the ordering process and the delivery process.
Ability to perform transmission job takeoffs and bills of material using a specialized software program.
Comprehensive packaging.
Access to over 250 manufacturers. Extensive product cross-references employed to insure product availability and cost control.
Shipping from our central warehouse and/or two branch warehouses during emergencies.
Kitting required materials and delivering complete jobs to the job site on time.
No substation or transmission project is too large or too small. Jennifer and Tim can be reached at 1-800-748-3116.
WUE Update
WUE is very pleased to announce the addition of John Kosmicki to our outside sales team. John will be calling on selected large coop members in northeast Colorado and southeast Wyoming as well as oil and gas companies in the northern Colorado oil patch. John has a wealth of experience in both the application and selling of materials and tools used in the construction and maintenance of distribution and transmission lines as well as substations.
New cable cutting equipment will be delivered to the Brighton facility in late January. The equipment will be installed when the new building addition is completed (early 2019). The steel for the new building addition has also been delivered. Construction will begin as soon as all necessary permits are extended.
An array of 15KV and 25KV CT and PT transformers employed for primary metering have been added to the Brighton stock. The products are manufactured by Ritz Instruments. Current transformer ratios include 10:5, 25:5, 5:5, 10:5, 20:5, 30:5, 40:5, 50:5, 100:5. Volt-age transformer Ratios include 60:1, 63.5:1, 120:1. Call your WUE inside sales staff for pricing.
WUE has partnered with Switchgear Power Systems (SPS) for the building of primary metering cabinets within shortened lead-times. SPS is a manufacturer located in Oshkosh, WI that specializes in the manufacturing of Metal Clad Switchgear, Padmounted Switch-gear, Capacitor Banks, Primary metering Cabinets and Specialty gear.
Stirrups are not on the RUS list of approved products.
“Johnny Ball” type spool insulators are not approved by RUS for 14.4KV systems. Guy Strain insulators are to be used for those applications.
Featured Products
Northern Reliability
Northern Reliability, American Power and WUE recently hosted a seminar (late November) for coop member engineers and presented the latest development of battery storage systems for both utility-scale applications, commercial applications, mobile applications, and residential applications. Northern Reliability designs and builds storage systems using specific OEM manufacturers (i.e. batteries) that meet the needs of particular applications (whether for peak shaving, substitute for line redundancy or backup energy supply, and electrical system compatibility/ reliability (i.e. outage reduction)/ quality (i.e. voltage sag) with solar/ renewable applications. The systems can be built with true control and monitoring software and can be an integral part of the microgrid system. Please see your WUE sales rep to arrange an on-site visit with Northern personnel in order to develop a system to meet your specific needs.
Solomon Corporation
Kurt Sieker
Western Region Sales Manager
We have our surplus parts inventory online. Search parts at solomoncorp.com.